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Dinghies, skiff, multi

Dinghies, Skiff, Multi

Dinghies, Skiff, Multi. Small open sailboats, including skiffs and small beach catamarans, for coastal sailing, nautical camping or sparkling regattas in protected waters.

Dinghies, Skiff, Multi

There are 9 products.

Showing 1-9 of 9 item(s)

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Dixi Dinghy

Multi-purpose, she can be rowed, motored or sailed and is light enough for one person to lift on and off the family car or yacht.       LOA:      2.50m  (8'2") Beam:  1.28m (4'2") Sail Area: 4.23m² (45.5) Hull Weight:  22kg (48lb) Oar length:  2.0m (6' 6")

Price €38.00
From: €35.00 €123.00
In Stock

Argie 10

"I was commissioned to design a larger sister of Dixi Dinghy for a series feature in the same newspaper. The resulting  design is  the ARGI E  10, named after the little boys who sell the newspaper." Dudley Dix. LOA:      3.10m  (10'2")Beam:  1.35m (4'5")Sail Area: 5.25m² (56.5)Hull Weight:  29kg (64lb)Oar length:  2.0m (6' 6")     dwg file available...

Price €56.00
From: €45.00 €191.00
In Stock

Argie 15

marine plywood - stitch & glue.       One of the most successful designs, with many hulls actually on building. Ideal fr nautical camping, sailing schools and coast sailing. Light, fast, safe and balanced, it has great load capacities. Download the "material list" from the attached documents  Features Length: 4.70m Width: 1.83 Draft: 0.13 / 0.8m...

Price €75.00
In Stock

Oppikat (CAD)

A boat for the little people     ~ Modern concept ~ Easy launch and retrieval~ Car-toppable ~ Trainer for the big cat~ Great "my own boat" for the kids~ Now also detailed for wood construction     

Price €70.00
From: €108.00 €187.00
In Stock

Bigakat 12'

bigger sister to the Oppikat     mixed plywood construction - strip planking    dwg file available for hull & deck cnc kit. Ask for info and for a quote      

Price €116.00
From: €150.00 €228.00
In Stock

Challenger 13

An attractive and versatile dinghy of traditional styling, the Challenger 13 offers lots of fun for the whole family.    Multi-purpose, she can be rowed, motored or sailed. Traditional lapstrake construction, but built with modern plywood and epoxy materials. More challenging to build than stitch & glue boats, so use her to expand your boatbuilding...

Price €70.00
In Stock

Paper Jet 14

modern performance skiff concept with some traditional touches.      Grow your sailing skills without changing boats - 3 rigs in 1 boat. ~ Paper Jet Lite - Free-standing unarig ~ Paper Jet Standard - Add standing rigging, jib & trapeze ~ Paper jet Turbo - Longer topmast, larger mainsail, add bowsprit & asymmetrical spinnaker - a powered-up performance...

Price €276.00
From: €35.00 €392.00
In Stock

Didi Sport 15

sport dinghy in radius chine - CAD    with double trapeze as very high performance skiff or ballasted as sport dinghy with great stability. The economy of marine plywood for a wood / epoxy performance boat. Radius chine hull, cockpit and edge deck. Developed on the Didi Mini Mk3 minitransat concept. With double trapeze as very high performance skiff...

Price €378.00
From: €35.00 €752.00
In Stock

CC 19 DayBoat

Plywood Lapstrake Traditional Open Daysailer         ~ Same hull, rig & characteristics ~ Large & comfortable open cockpit ~ Day-sailing or camp-cruising ~ Dry & secure cuddy ~ Lapstrake plywood for amateur builders ~ 16 Flotation compartments ~ Pre-cut plywood kits      dwg file available for hull & deck cnc kit. Ask for info and for a quote     see...

Price €424.00
From: €45.00 €715.00
In Stock

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